- slow-setting
- медленно схватывающийся (бетон, цемент), медленноотвердевающий
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
slow-setting cement — lėtastingis cementas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cementas, kurio mišinys su vandeniu pradeda kietėti daugiau kaip po 2 h. atitikmenys: angl. slow cement; slow setting cement; slow taking cement rus. медленносхватывающийся цемент ryšiai:… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
slow cement — lėtastingis cementas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cementas, kurio mišinys su vandeniu pradeda kietėti daugiau kaip po 2 h. atitikmenys: angl. slow cement; slow setting cement; slow taking cement rus. медленносхватывающийся цемент ryšiai:… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
slow-taking cement — lėtastingis cementas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cementas, kurio mišinys su vandeniu pradeda kietėti daugiau kaip po 2 h. atitikmenys: angl. slow cement; slow setting cement; slow taking cement rus. медленносхватывающийся цемент ryšiai:… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Slow flight — is a portion of an airplane s performance envelope above the speed at which the plane will stall, but below the aircraft s endurance speed. This part of the performance chart is also known as the back side of the power curve because when flying… … Wikipedia
slow match — n. a match, or fuse, that burns slowly, used for setting off blasting charges … English World dictionary
Slow loris — For the denial of service attack, see Slowloris. Slow lorises[1] Sunda slow loris Nycticebus coucang … Wikipedia
Slow cooker — A slow cooker. This one has a removable crock (upper left), lid (lower left), and heater–housing (right). A slow cooker, Crock Pot (a US trademark that is often used generically), or Slo Cooker (a UK trademark that is often used generically) is a … Wikipedia
Conservation of slow lorises — Slow lorises, such as this Bengal slow loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) were once considered common, but are now recognized as threatened species. Slow lorises are nocturnal strepsirrhine primates in th … Wikipedia
Javan slow loris — Conservation status Endangered& … Wikipedia
Bornean slow loris — Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[1] … Wikipedia
Course Setting Bomb Sight — The CSBS Mk. IX mounted in a Fairey Battle. The bomb aimer is sighting through the white ring shaped backsights to the pin shaped foresights (just visible against the armoured cable) and holding the bomb release switch in his right hand. The… … Wikipedia